Rub on part of the body with symptoms. External use only.
Ingredients: From natural ingredients / jamu.
Product of Indonesia.
Multiple Uses:
* Minyak Kayu Putih muscle oil is also used as a massage oil for stiff muscles and overworked muscles.
* When evaporated in an aroma burner, the fresh spicy and specific cajaputi scent has a beneficial effect on the airways. You can also inhale by means of a few drops on a handkerchief to breathe more freely. Cajaputih oil provides inner peace in case of anxiety and tension. Aromatherapy.
* Applied on the forehead and temples for a soothing effect on the head.
* A few drops in your bath will make you feel relaxed.
* Steaming with hay fever provides immediate relief. (a few drops is enough)
* One drop under the nose to breathe more freely.