Helen salty mustard 370ml

Helen salty mustard 370ml

Salted / pickled mustard for tasty stir-frying. Amsoi is Chinese / Surinamese leafy vegetables.
Lau Min Bami 400gr - Jong a Kiem

Lau Min Bami 400gr - Jong a Kiem

Lau Min Bami Jong a Kiem is a vegetarian fine noodle that resembles tjauwmin. Jong a kiem is a well-known in Suriname.
Domburg Seasoned Marinade 1L

Domburg Seasoned Marinade 1L

Seasoned marinade is for cooking, baking, roasting or stewing meat, game or fish or just marinate for 10-15 minutes. This variant is a thin marinade l
Jola Daweth essence 50 ml


Daweth essence 50 ml

Jo-La dawet essence 50 ml gives dawet flavor to your food.
Jola Pineapple essence 50 ml - clear


Pineapple essence 50 ml - clear

Pineapple essence 50 ml from JO-LA Aroma uses 10 to 20 ml of aroma for 1 liter of pastry, pudding, syrup or lemonade.
Chinese Marinade 300gr Lufo

Chinese Marinade 300gr Lufo

Authentic Chinese Marinade for all types of meat such as chicken, beef, pork and fish. Also good for barbecue meat or as a Chinese sauce.
tasty peanut sambal 200g

tasty peanut sambal 200g

Delicious Peanut sambal / Javanese Surinamese spicy and seasoned satay sauce for various snacks, barbecue, cooked vegetables, telo, petjel, bami, nasi
Helen Helen Seasoned Ketjap With Pepper 1liter


Helen Seasoned Ketjap With Pepper 1liter

Helen Seasoned Ketjap With Pepper 1 liter Surinamese sweet-salt marinade with peppers for all types of meat and chicken.
Badia badia minced garlic & red chili pepper 8 oz - 226.7g


badia minced garlic & red chili pepper 8 oz - 226.7g

badia minced garlic & red chili pepper is prepared from garlic paste and red chili, convenient and ready to use in any recipe that calls for garlic.
Ginger puree 100g flowerbrand

Ginger puree 100g flowerbrand

Ginger puree 100g It has a sweet ginger flavor. Use this ginger puree in various dishes, sauces, desserts and baked products. Ginger means djahé or j
Paradise nasi herbs 800gr

Paradise nasi herbs 800gr

Paradise nasi spices 800gr Spices to use with your nasi! Photo is for illustration only; but content is different.
Lufo Curry Marinade 225ml


Curry Marinade 225ml

Curry marinade is delicious spicy marinade that gives a Surinamese flavor to the meal. Curry marinade can also be used to flavor stir-fry - (wok) cuis
Paradise Nasi herbs 400gr

Paradise Nasi herbs 400gr

Paradise Nasi herbs 400gr To put in your nasi, not soak in water! Photo is for illustration only; but content is different.
Joyce Chinese Spiced Soy Sauce 500ml

Joyce Chinese Spiced Soy Sauce 500ml

Prepared with Surinamese and Chinese herbs and spices for marinades and stir-fry sauces for all types of meat.
Lekker Bekkie madame jeanette piccalilli 290ml Nice Bekkie

Lekker Bekkie

madame jeanette piccalilli 290ml Nice Bekkie

madame jeanette piccalilli 290ml Lekker Bekkie Delicious table sambal, fresh spicy piccalilli sauce with madam jeanette peppers, indispensable sauce f
Bitter Gourd Tea 50g (25 pcs x2g) Hung Phat

Bitter Gourd Tea 50g (25 pcs x2g) Hung Phat

Bitter Gourd Tea from Hung Phat are herbal tea bags with bitter melon pieces that have a natural healthy effect on the body. It is a traditional herba
Almond Essence 500ml Singh Taste maker

Almond Essence 500ml Singh Taste maker

Almond / almond essence / aroma white 500 ml flavor maker gives an almond flavor to your pastries or other delicacies.
Domburg Sweet Salt Marinade 350ml

Domburg Sweet Salt Marinade 350ml

Sweet-salt Surinamese marinade. Use this flavorful sauce to marinate meat, poultry or fish, 10 to 15 minutes before cooking, stewing or roasting.
Chan's / Chans Chan's masala curry 300 g

Chan's / Chans

Chan's masala curry 300 g

Chan's masala curry 300 g ; spices for tasty roti dishes.
Surinamese Peanut Butter 350g Fajalobi

Surinamese Peanut Butter 350g Fajalobi

Faja Lobi Spicy Surinamese Peanut Butter. Delicious Surinamese! Delicious on bread, a warm baguette or preparing dishes.
Jola Rose essence 50 ml


Rose essence 50 ml

Jola rose essence 50ml coloring gives a rose color to your treats.
Jola Strawberry essence 50 ml


Strawberry essence 50 ml

JO-LA strawberry essence 50 ml gives a strawberry flavor to your food.
Lekker Bekkie Pommisitair Chutney 290 ml

Lekker Bekkie

Pommisitair Chutney 290 ml

Experience the Surinamese cuisine with Bekkie Yummy! A Sambal of top quality.
Badia badia minced garlic, lemon & basil 8oz - 226.7g


badia minced garlic, lemon & basil 8oz - 226.7g

badia minced garlic, lemon & basil is prepared from garlic paste, lemon and basil, convenient and ready to use in any recipe that calls for garlic.
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